Tag Archives: blood drinker

Real Vampires?

English: blood, human, splatter, drops

English: blood, human, splatter, drops (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sometimes I type in weird search terms to see what comes up. Last night I typed in “What happens to you if you drink human blood?”

And I got directed to a forum of freaks. Here are the top two freaks:

Peter I would suggest you check out these sites vampirewebsite.net and izidari.blogspot.com it may seam far fetched but do the research those sites should help. They helped me I’m not gothic emo or anything of the sort. I drink blood I get it from a clean source, and no It doesn’t make me ill actually quite the opposite gives me strenght and it keeps me foucsed also my skin takes on a much healthier glow see normally I’m really pale.. any who I hope those sites help you.. =) I know a lot of people reading this are already thinking I’m looney tunes but I’m not I’ve been to a psychitrist I’m sane but I am a real vampire, and no not like the myths and foklore, and I won’t die without blood but I won’t be in best health… oh and peter before jumping to conclusions really read those sites and be honest with yourself and ask many questions before you go around claiming to be a real vampire..

Read more: What happens if you drink your blood or someone else’s? How will it affect your health? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1068142#ixzz2MfwvbUYm

And number two:

well i dont know waht is rong with me cous i have neaver hade a craving for blood or wanted to be a vampir like this so if there is any one out there that can exsplain to me what is happing to me i will be happy

Read more: What happens if you drink your blood or someone else’s? How will it affect your health? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1068142#ixzz2Mfx8efU5

I got bloody noses constantly as a kid and so I drank my fair share of blood. Tilting my head back only to have it drain down my throat is not considered a fond memory.

Anyway, I have tons to write but no time to write it in. This week I’m completely booked up again. I seriously want to cry. It’s never ending. The best visual that captures what I’m feeling is one of tossing a nickel into a bottomless wishing well.

If only I can drink a little blood to get me through the week….

Does menstrual blood count? I can suck on a tampon like a popsicle. Would that make me a cool vampire?  Would Bella from Twilight still look sexy if she was caught sucking on a fat super plus until it ran white?

Wow Mel, you nasty.

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